Keep in mind that keeping adequate records will save you time and money as well as make you a more efficient applicator. Record keeping allows you to see patterns of pesticides and how they work in different situations. It helps you pinpoint problems and protect yourself against accusations of misuse. They will help you purchase only what you need and what is most effective for your business.
Establish early all of the necessary information you would like to track. The more specific information you collect, the more effective it will be. Come up with a standard form you can use in all situations. Be sure you have plenty of copies handy. Some information you will want is: names of anyone involved in the application, time and day of application, location and description of site and conditions, surface that was treated, target pest, equipment used, pesticide used including brand and common name, formulation, active ingredient percentage and EPA registration number, amount used, diluent amount, rate of application and size of treated area.
Include space for notes on that particular job. Take note of anything unusual or anything you may need to know for future applications. Keep notes on any monitoring and what is and isn’t successful.
Sometimes the state or local authorities require that you keep records. When this is the case, be sure you are aware of what they require. It may be necessary for you to show your records at a later date.